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Opus 76, 76A
Duke University | Durham, NC Westminster Choir College | Princeton, NJ
Durham, NC Princeton, NJ
Independent Voices: 14Created:
These two organs were built at the same time and are essentially identical. The pedal boards are different: the Duke instrument’s is flat, whereas the Westminster organ’s pedalboard is concave and radiating. Due to its location in a smaller room, the Duke organ is voiced more softly than Westminster.
These two-manual and pedal instruments, used primarily for teaching, each have a white painted case with mahogany trim, keydesk, and pipe shades. There are three hook-down pedals, which activate the couplers. The front pipes are hammered and polished lead, the naturals keys are grenadil and the accidentals are bone-topped rosewood.
a pair of studio organs
DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, North Carolina 1977
WESTMINSTER CHOIR COLLEGE, Princeton, New Jersey 1978
Great, Man I
Spire Flute 8′ en façade
Principal 4′
┌Doublet 2′
└Fourniture III
Cromorne 8′
Positive, Man II
Gedackt 8′
Chimney Flute 4′
┌Nazard 2 2/3′
└Cornet III
┌Octave 2′
└Mixture II
Bourdon 16′
Bourdon 8′
Octave 4′
Positive to Great
Great to Pedal
Positive to Pedal
Manual keyboards CC-g3, 56 notes
Pedal (flat and parallel) CC-f1, 30 notes
In bracketed pairs of stops above, drawing the knob halfway brings on the first stop and drawing the knob fully brings on the second stop.