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Opus 163

Blessed Sacrament Church

Seattle, WA

Stops: 7
Independent Voices: 6
Pipes: 297
Created: 2023

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Opus 163, the Scheetz-Biermann Organ, is a continuo instrument designed to sit within a chamber orchestra and accompany ensembles large or small. With several half-compass stops, it enables the organist to perform a wide variety of solo literature as well.

The case decorations incorporate a sliding inner layer which can be adjusted to fully or partially close the pipe shades, allowing the performer to modulate brightness and volume for a smaller spaces or ensembles. Casters enable the organ to be moved easily.

The keyboard has boxwood-covered naturals and rosewood sharps. The case is quarter-sawn white oak with walnut accents in the console, and the façade pipes are constructed of figured maple. A simple keyboard mechanism transposes between A=440 and A=415.

The Scheetz-Biermann Organ was made possible by a generous gift of Frederick and Connie Scheetz for the glory of God and in memory of their mothers.

Learn more about our Continuo Organs.

Opus 163

8′ Gedeckt (wood)
8′ Open Diapason (wood)
4′ Principal (wood & metal)
4′ Flute (wood & metal)
2′ Octave (wood & metal)

Optional stops included:
2 2/3′ Quint Treble (metal)
1 1/3′ Quint Bass (metal)

54 note compass CC-f3 (55 pipes per full rank to be full compass at A=415 and A=440)
Boxwood naturals, rosewood sharps
Drawknob console
Double layer decorations: inner layer can slide to close openings for gentler sound
Handles at convenient lifting height
Lower case on casters (contains blower and wind system)