- phone: 978.283.1909
- email: cbfisk@cbfisk.com
Opus 161
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Oberlin, OH
Stops: 7
Ranks: 6
Independent Voices: 6 Voices
Pipes: 297
Created: 2022
This new continuo organ for the Oberlin Conservatory is designed to support and lead ensembles varying from a vocalist or instrumentalist in solo recital to a full chorus and orchestra for large-scale oratorio, passion, or mass settings.
At the heart of the instrument is a flexible stoplist, including an 8′ Open Treble in the façade and a 4′ Principal to provide a substantial core to the sound. The 2 2/3′ Quint Treble can bring out a solo line against a bass accompaniment or serve with the 1 1/3′ Quint Bass as a mini-Mixture to top off the ensemble. With an extra pipe in each full rank, the instrument has a full 54-note compass at both A=440 and 415.
With double-layer decorations, the inner layer can slide to close the openings and reduce the brightness of the instrument in a small performance space.

8′ Gedeckt wood, stopped
8′ Open Treble wood, open, in façade, from middle C
4′ Principal (from GG) wood & metal, open, bass from 4’ Flute
4′ Flute wood stopped bass, metal open tapered treble
2′ Octave wood & metal, open
Optional stops included on Opus 161:
2 2/3′ Quint Treble metal, open, from middle C
1 1/3′ Quint Bass metal, open, up to tenor B
wood, stopped
wood, open, in façade, from middle C
(from GG) wood & metal, open, bass from 4’ Flute
wood stopped bass, metal open tapered treble
wood & metal, open
54 note compass CC-f3 (55 pipes per full rank to be full compass at A=415 and A=440)
Boxwood naturals, rosewood sharps
Drawknob console
Double layer decorations: inner layer can slide to close openings for gentler sound
Handles at convenient lifting height
Lower case on casters (contains blower and wind system)