- phone: 978.283.1909
- email: cbfisk@cbfisk.com
Opus 156
First United Methodist Church
Evanston, Illinois
Stops: 7
Independent Voices: 6
Pipes: 297
Created: 2021
Opus 156, is a continuo instrument designed to sit within a chamber orchestra and accompany ensembles large or small. With several half-compass stops, it enables the organist to perform a wide variety of solo literature as well.
The case decorations incorporate a sliding inner layer which can be adjusted to fully or partially close the pipe shades, allowing the performer to modulate brightness and volume for a smaller spaces or ensembles. Casters enable the organ to be moved easily.
The keyboard has boxwood-covered naturals and rosewood sharps. The case is quarter-sawn white oak with walnut accents in the console, and the façade pipes are constructed of figured maple. A simple keyboard mechanism transposes between A=440 and A=415.
8′ Stopped Diapason (wood)
8′ Open Diapason (wood)
4′ Principal (wood & metal)
4′ Flute (wood & metal)
2′ Octave (wood & metal)
Optional stops included:
2 2/3′ Quint Treble (metal)
1 1/3′ Quint Bass (metal)
54 note compass CC-f3 (55 pipes per full rank to be full compass at A=415 and A=440)
Boxwood naturals, rosewood sharps
Drawknob console
Double layer decorations: inner layer can slide to close openings for gentler sound
Handles at convenient lifting height
Lower case on casters (contains blower and wind system)