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Opus 88

St. Andrew’s Chapel, Woodberry Forest School

Orange, VA

Independent Voices: 14
Created: 1986

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Thomas Kenan III, who also donated Opus 75 at the North Carolina School of the Arts, commissioned Opus 88 in honor of his father at the school where they had both been students. Mr. Kenan’s long-term friendship with Charles Fisk and their mutual admiration made the planning and design of this organ a particular joy for both men, who shared a belief that academic settings were among the best for pipe organs.

Although relatively modest in size, the organ is versatile enough to play the great majority of the organ literature. The Great principal chorus, the backbone of the instrument, has a full round tone, to which the Cromorne adds fire. The Oberwerk, inspired by the work of Gottfried Silberman, is scaled and voiced to be a brighter accompanimental division. The Pedal, largely duplexed from the Great, includes the 16′ Posaune, a German reed whose power undergirds the entire organ.

Completed in 1986, the organ is located at the front of St. Andrew’s Chapel, and is used regularly for weekly Sunday night services and for organ instruction and practice.  The white painted case, accented with gray and gold leaf, is spare and subtle to complement the neo-classic building.

Photo: Linda Larson Hogan

Opus 88

Great, Man I
Bourdon 16′
Prestant 8′
Spire Flute 8′
Octave 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Mixture V-VI
Cromorne 8′

Oberwerk, Man II
Gedackt 8′
Rohrflöte 4′
Nazard 2 2/3′
Sesquialtera II
Octave 2′
Sharp IV

Bourdon 16′ *      GT
Octave 8′ *      GT
Spire Flute 8′ *      GT
Octave 4′ *      GT
Posaune 16′


Oberwerk to Great
Great to Pedal
Oberwerk to Pedal



Manual keyboards CC-g3, 56 notes
Pedal (flat and parallel) CC-f1, 30 notes
In bracketed pairs of stops above, drawing the knob halfway brings on the first stop and drawing the knob fully brings on the second stop.
* Pedal and Great stops share a knob: The stop plays in the Great when drawn half way, and plays in the Pedal when fully drawn. The stop will play in both divisions when drawn in the Great and the Great to Pedal coupler is drawn.