- phone: 978.283.1909
- email: cbfisk@cbfisk.com
Opus 52
Neu Chapel, University of Evansville
Evansville, IN
Created: 1968Originally built for St. Paul the Apostle Roman Catholic Church in Greencastle, Indiana, the organ was designed to be in the chancel of the church, an adjunct to Opus 48a, a two-manual, 7-voice “Wellesley” style organ in the church’s gallery.
In his proposal Charles Fisk points out the difference between the two:
In specification this organ is a little unusual in that it uses an open (tapered) manual foundation stop instead of a stopped flute; this in order to give fullness for hymn accompaniment. The sound of the organ would also be enough different from that of the gallery organ to be refreshing. (Charles Fisk, 1964)
Opus 52 was later moved to St. Meinrad’s Seminary, St. Meinrad, Indiana, and then, still later (1995), to Neu Chapel, University of Evansville, Indiana. The organ has been re-tuned in ¼ comma meantone.
Dr. Douglas Reed, University Organist and Professor of Music wrote of it:
“I use the instrument a great deal for Sunday morning worship, mostly for congregational singing. Whenever I encounter a hymn in a “bad” key, salvation is but a half step away, as Gerre Hancock has often quipped. It is simply amazing how well this 4-stop organ leads/accompanies/supports a congregation of 200-300 people.”
Spitzprincipal 8′
Rohrflöte 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Bourdon 16′
Manual to Pedal
Manual keyboard compass: 56 notes CC-g3. Pedal keyboard compass: 32 notes CC-g1.
1968 St. Paul’s RC, Greencastle, IN later to St. Meinrad’s Seminary, Indiana
1995 moved to Neu Chapel, University of Evansville by John Schreiner, Kellner temperament
2000 John Schreiner retuned the organ in 1/4 comma Meantone