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Opus 166

Church of the Little Flower

Coral Gables, FL

Stops: 54
Independent Voices: 46
Created: In progress

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Design and construction are underway for a three manual organ for the Church of the Little Flower in Coral Gables, Florida. The organ is resolutely French Romantic, favoring the work of Aristide Cavaille-Coll and will be located in the rear gallery of the stately nave.

The organ’s key action, wind system, and windchest construction work together to produce the prompt, unanimous speech called for in French Romantic literature. Each manual division will incorporate a Barker lever machine based on the Puget instruments, at Notre-Dame de la Dalbade and Saint Vincent de Carcassonne.

Delivery is scheduled for the Church’s centennial year, early 2026.

Opus 166

Grande Orgue, Manual I

1.  Montre 16′
2.  Bourdon 16′
3.  Montre 8′
4.  Gambe 8′
5.  Bourdon 8′
6.  Flûte harmonique 8′
7.  Prestant 4′
8.  Quinte 2 2/3′
9.  Doublette 2′
10. Progression harmonique II-VI
11. Plein Jeu VI
12. Basson 16′
13. Trompette 8′
14. Clairon 4′

Positif expressif, Manual II, enclosed

15. Bourdon 16′
16. Principal 8′
17. Salicional 8′
18. Unda Maris 8′ (t.c.)
19. Cor de Nuit 8′
20. Prestant 4′
21. Flute douce 4′
22. Nazard 2 2/3′
23. Doublette 2′
24. Tierce 1 3/5′
25. Piccolo 1′
26. Trompette coudée 8′
27. Cromorne 8′

Récit expressif, Manual III, enclosed

28. Quintatön 16′
29. Viole de Gambe 8′
30. Voix céleste 8′ (t.c.)
31. Flûte traversière 8′
32. Viole d’amore 4′
33.Flûte octaviante 4′
34. Octavin 2′
35. Progression harmonique II-V
36. Plein Jeu V
37. Bombarde 16′
38. Trompette harmonique 8′
39. Basson & Hautbois
40. 8′ Voix humaine 8′
41. Clairon harmonique 4′


42. Resultante 32’
43. Contrebasse 16’
44. Montre 16’
45. Soubasse 16’
46. Bourdon 8’
47. Flûte 8′
48. Flûte 4′
49. Contre Basson 32′
50. Bombarde 16′
51. Basson 16’
52. Trompette 8′
53. Basson 8′
54. Baryton 4′


POS to G.O.
RÉC to G.O.
RÉC to PED 4′
G.O. to PED
POS to PED 4′

Octaves graves G.O.
Octaves graves POS
Octaves graves RÉC


Tremblant Positive
Tremblant Récit
Tremblant rapide
Pluie de Roses
Balanced POS and RÉC Pedals