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Opus 159

Hong Kong Baptist University

Jockey Club Campus of Creativity (JC3)
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Stops: 7
Ranks: 5
Independent Voices: 5
Pipes: 288
Created: In Progress

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A seven-stop practice organ, Opus 159 will, along with Opus 158, be delivered to the new Jockey Club Campus of Creativity (JC3) at Hong Kong Baptist University in early 2024. A large, asymmetrical practice room space has been designed specifically to house the organ. Appropriate acoustical trappings are specified.

Opus 159 is a three-manual instrument, with Manual I serving as a coupling manual. Any stop drawn on Manual II and/or Manual III will appear automatically on Manual I, offering the player impressive registrational flexibility on an organ of this size.

The stoplist comprises two full-length 8′ registers (Principal, Harmonic Flute), an 8′ Chimney Flute, a 4′ Spire Flute (alternating between Manual II and Manual III), and a Pedal Bourdon 16’/8′ unit.


Opus 159

Manual I

Manuals II and III are permanently coupled to Manual I.

Manual II

Principal 8′
Harmonic Flute 8′
Spire Flute 4′

Manual III

Chimney Flute 8′
Spire Flute 4′ (alt. Manual II)

Pedal III

Bourdon 16′
Bourdon 8′ (ext.)

The alternating stop (Spire Flute 4′) has two stop knobs, one for Manual II and one for Manual III. This stop may be used in one division or the other, and simultaneously on Manual I.


Manual II to Pedal
Manual III to Pedal

Balanced Swell Pedal controlling all pipework.
Key Action: Direct mechanical (tracker).
Stop Action: Mechanical
Keydesk: Attached to the case, three manuals and pedal; manuals 61 keys CC – c4.
Fisk pedalboard 32 keys CC -g1.