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Opus 142

Indiana University

Bloomington, Indiana

Stops: 5
Independent Voices: 5
Pipes: 276
Created: 2012

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Practice Organ for The Jacobs School of Music

A practice instrument in the Music Building on the Bloomington campus of Indiana University, Opus 142 was constructed with the same console dimensions as Fisk Opus 135 in nearby Auer Hall. Students at the Jacobs School of Music may prepare their work on this organ, easing scheduling demands on the much-sought-after larger instrument.

The Principal 8′, Spire Flute 8′, Bourdon 8′, and Flute 4′ are available on Manuals II and III on an alternating basis, and may be used simultaneously on Manual I, which is permanently coupled. The Bourdon 16′ is an independent Pedal stop and the Spire Flute 8′ is borrowed to the Pedal from the Manuals.

Opus 142

Manual I, 61 notes
Manuals II and III are
permanently coupled
to Manual I.

Manual II, 61 notes
Principal 8′
Spire Flute 8′
Bourdon 8′
Flute 4′

Manual III, 61 notes
Principal 8′ (from Manual II)
Spire Flute 8′ (from Manual II)
Bourdon 8′ (from Manual II)
Flute 4′ (from Manual II)

Pedal, 32 notes
Bourdon 16′
Spire Flute 8′ (from Manual II)


Manual II / Pedal
Manual III / Pedal

Manual stops have two stop knobs, one in Manual II and one in Manual III. The stops may be used in one division or the other, and simultaneously on Manual I.
Balanced Swell Pedal controlling all Manual pipework.
Mechanical Key Action
Manual keyboards, CC – c 4 , 61 notes, Pedalboard, CC-g 1 , 32 notes.
Mechanical Stop Action

All keyboard and pedalboard dimensions and the relationships between them will be identical to that of
C. B Fisk’s Opus 135 in Auer Hall, Jacobs School of Music.