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Opus 118

Shepherd School of Music, Rice University

Houston, TX

Ranks: 5
Independent Voices: 5
Pipes: 276
Created: 1999

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Conceived as a a three-manual studio organ and built in collaboration with Schreiner Pipe Organs, Ltd. the organ is a simulator for Opus 109, our 84-rank concert instrument just down the hallway at the Shepherd School. The studio organ quickly became a favorite practice instrument for many Rice students due to its precise, responsive action and its rich tone.

Of the four ranks of pipes available on the manuals, three are at eight-foot pitch for a variety of color and volume. When all of the stops are played together, they produce a warm, full sound without harshness. All of the pipework is under expression, with the swell shades controlled by the center Récit pedal. Movable “dummy” Positif and Crescendo pedals mimic the expression pedals on the concert organ. Indeed, the entire console, from the pedalboard springs to the location of the music rack, is an exact replica of Opus 109.

The elegant mahogany casework is based on the lower case of the concert organ and is finished using the same dye and lacquer treatment.

Opus 118

Manual I
coupler manual

Manual II
Montre 8′
Flûte harmonique 8′
Bourdon 8′
Flûte conique 4′

Manual III
Montre 8′
Flûte harmonique 8′
Bourdon 8′
Flûte conique 4′

Bourdon 16′
Flûte 8′     from Flûte harmonique

Manual stops have two stop knobs, one in Manual II and one in Manual III. The stops may be used in one division or the other, and simultaneously on Manual I.


Manual II to Pedal

Manual III to Pedal



Balanced Swell Pedal controlling all Manual pipework.

Casework: A single cabinet of mahogany. There will be no front pipes, since all Manual pipes are enclosed in a Swell box. A decorative grill will cover the Swell shades on the front.
Keydesk: Attached to case, three manuals and pedal; manuals 61 keys CC – c4, naturals of bone, sharps of ebony; pedalboard 32 keys CC -g1.
All keyboard and pedalboard dimensions and the relationships between them are identical to that of Opus 109 in the Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall.