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Opus 69

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church

Marblehead, MA

Created: 1974

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The first instrument built in the new Fisk shop on Kondelin Road in 1974, its design was a return to a more “all-purpose” concept, so that the Episcopal liturgy at St. Michael’s and a broader spectrum of organ literature could be served. Although the basic specification is classical, the inclusion of a Céleste stop and several solo voices widens the scope to include music of the Romantic and Contemporary periods.

Housed in a small but pleasing “gothick” case of 1833 by E. & G.G. Hook, the Swell occupies the lower half of the case, the Great the upper, with the Pedal behind the main case. The console is detached.  In the summer of 1983 the Pedal Mixture was replaced by a German Trumpet 8′.

Opus 69

Bourdon 16′ *
Open Diapason 8′
Stopped Diapason 8′ *
Principal 4′
Flute 4′ *
Fifteenth 2′
Cornet III
Mixture IV-V
Trumpet 8′

Spire Flute 8′
Flûte Céleste 8′
Chimney Flute 4′
Flageolet 2′
Sesquialtera II
Sharp IV
Hautboy 8′

Sub Bass 16′ *
Flûte 8′ *
Octave 4′
Bassoon 16′
Trumpet 8′


Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great

* old pipework, repaired & revoiced
Swell enclosed in the base of the case with fanning shades. Pedal located behind the case.
Casework is by Hook. Opus 2, 1833, original to the church.
Pedal Trumpet installed 1983, replacing a 5 1/3′ Mixture III.
Electro-pneumatic stop action with a setter combination action.
Tremulant to the entire organ